Cancer alone can cause a host of physical and emotional pains. The treatments for cancer can add to these pains. Arizona Foundation for Cancer is here to provide assistance and support during your cancer treatment. These therapies are non-medical, alternative treatments to help you navigate your cancer and treatments. These services are made possible by the generous donations of individuals and businesses.
Acupuncture is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that dates back more than 3,000 years. It is a gentle, safe and effective method of holistic healing that addresses the physical, emotional and psychospiritual levels of your health and well-being. It consists of the insertion of fine needles into the body at specific points which have shown to be effective in the treatment of various health issues. Acupuncture is helpful before, during and after cancer treatment. It can help relieve many of the common side effects of cancer treatment.
The power of touch is probably the oldest and simplest form of healing, and therapeutic massage is the modern culmination of that power. For literally thousands of years, schools of medicine worldwide have used various forms of touch for healing purposes. In truth, nearly every ailment or injury known to humankind has at least one massage modality that can be safely and effectively applied. Furthermore, nearly every other healing regimen can be complemented by massage, and particularly when it is coupled with bioavailable nutrition and zeal for hydration, it can yield fantastic results. Massage assists overall wellbeing by reducing pain, increasing circulation and mobility and lessening sense of isolation massage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) plays a vital part in managing lymphedema. Dealing with lymphedema after treatment for cancer can seem daunting. Knowledge can free you from unnecessary anxiety by providing clear guidelines for therapy and practical instruction in approaches to ongoing self-care. The more you know about therapies to manage lymphedema, the better your outcomes will be.
MLD uses a precise manual therapy technique to help move fluid away from swollen, congested areas and toward healthy lymph nodes. It is gentle, relaxing, and supportive of the whole lymphatic system.
Combined with properly fitted compression garments, exercise, and skincare, MLD is a cornerstone of any lymphedema management plan.
- Swelling
- Tiredness
- Pain or discomfort
- Weakness
- Tight Skin
- Reduced range of motion
- Heaviness
- Hardening of the tissue
Signs and Symptoms of Lymphedema
Surgical removal of lymph nodes, radiation scarring, injury, and infection can cause lymph to accumulate in the tissues rather than move along fluid pathways. Depending on the site of the surgery or radiation, swelling may occur in the leg, trunk, face or abdomen. This kind of edema – lymphedema – may show up as:
The touch of reflexology communicates caring and comfort and is always sensitive to each patient’s medical status and tolerance. Reflexology stimulates the circulation, improving the nerve and blood supply to areas of the body which are congested. Reflexology can do no harm, it only helps bring the body back into a state of balance by giving the body back its resources through improved circulation. This means providing sufficient nutrients to parts of the body. It is just like improving the soil quality with nutrients so that the plant may thrive.
Reflexology can be combined with other therapies and is appropriate for patients at any stage of cancer, including end-stage disease. It is not appropriate for patients who have deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) of the lower and upper extremities, thrombocytopenia (low platelets), or bruising, rashes, severe edema or wounds of the ankles or feet.
Reiki is energy that flows through the body of the practitioner and is conveyed through the hands into the body of the recipient. It is subtle energy, but it can be felt – usually as warmth, a tingling feeling or slight pressure. Reiki is a non-invasive form of natural healing that works on a Physical, mental, and spiritual level to restore the natural balance of energy within the body. Any particular effects cannot be predicted. The energy is intelligent and it will do whatever is best. What can be stated is that Reiki will help the healing process for any condition or disease. Reiki is complementary to any medical treatment. Reiki may help to reduce the side effects of chemo or radiation therapy when given before, after or even during these treatments. Reiki can help restore balance to the body and shore up its defenses. In addition, Reiki can help control pain and reduce anxiety.